Protected: Assignment 12: Femscore – Complete 35 Category Version with Explanations.
Protected: Assignment 11: HMT
Protected: Assignment 10: Client fantasies
Protected: Assignment 9: Silicone Reality
Protected: Assignment 8: Vindication
Why can’t I stop watching this?
Can a psychologist or any normal person or one of my fellow students tell me why I find this so compelling? (Zeironn’ s Instagram click here )
Wide hips or big boobs: you can only choose one surgery
She makes me wish I wore glasses

Continuing my low level obsession with scone clone (☁️☁️I’m a blonde glamorous student in a prestigious law school and not a non-descript brunette dog-walker☁️☁️)
She’s even from orange county which I think is the place they did the OC series. If she did a 24-hour cam then I would just plug into it and give up my own life😂
(Chose the category ‘this is who I am’ ironically, by the way.’)
What do you think of her lashes?
What’s the weirdest thing about this photo? (answer in the comments)
Nazakat was encouraging me to think of new categories to blog about, so when I saw this photo it came to me that we could look for weird things in the back of the photo which people hadn’t thought about, especially other girls bedrooms.
Here is my first one which admittedly isn’t a bedroom but I think it’s pretty cool anyway.