Oh dear, I’ve already said everything I wanted to in the title. Well, I suppose I should go into a little bit of detail.
The bad
Ate too much. Surprise surprise. But it’s really annoying because I can literally feel it around my waist. I also drank too much. Surprise surprise. And now I can feel that kind of foggy utter lack of clarity. Also, too many people around. I like to control my space and there’s nothing like family to control your space for you 😂 God bless them.
The good
Seeing my family. Yes, it’s a love hate. Isn’t it for all of us? Eating too much. No obsessive dieting, just eating all those delicious things which I usually deprived myself. Drinking too much. Well, that was just a lot of fun and there was even some singing involved with the neighbors.
Happy New year to my secret friends 😉