Exhausting inspiration


I really like following sconeclone as she inspires me to get my ass into gear and go to college. However, how the hell does she get up at 5:00 each morning and spend all day in the library? I mean, I think I’m a good student but that is just too dedicated. Or maybe that’s my problem: maybe I’m just not dedicated enough 🤔

She’s also immaculately blonde and always perfect makeup… even in the library.

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  • I started watching the channel and then I got to this video post election day, and she started saying to the camera very pompously and self-righteously “today Donald Trump was elected in a free and fair election, and my heart sank.” I thought – oh my days, how can she be a trumpist – and then fortunately she said “it may not have been the result that we wanted but we have to keep on fighting.” Phew…

  • Hey, I thought this blog was supposed to be completely politics free. in fact, our entire School😜

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