Bottlegirl’s salary: I love the way she knows how much she’s going to piss everyone off
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And she’s got such a cheeky smile before she says it, like she knows that what she’s going to say is just an absolute smack in the face to your ordinary worker.
If you’ll excuse the pun, though, she does rather bottle it after that. Because she’s smiling away at herself but when she says the $200 remark, then she suddenly starts trying to explain it. Then she completely fails and still comes across as completely arrogant. In a quite likable way 😎. I really don’t understand what is this bottle girl thing. We don’t have it in finland. I presume that she delivers bottles to tables, but why would that earn you so much money. Even I could take a goddamn bottle to a table. Now we’re on the subject, I don’t really get Hooters from your post down below. Guess I need to get my traveling shoes on.
The funniest thing is that it says on her profile, something like “if you find me relatable, then please seek help. Hey Callisto, if you want to find about bottle girls just subscribe to her channel. The whole thing is about bottle girls.