You cannot judge your weight by eye, or how you feel, or how your clothes fit you. Buy some scales if you don’t have some already.
Your ideal weight is a function of height, build and age. Anna K’s article in the resources section below explains how to calculate it. Naturally, by subtracting the ideal weight from your actual weight you will know how many kilos you need to lose.
If you are not prepared to do detailed planning, then you will fail this program. Meticulously plan (in word or google docs table) every single meal and arrive at a daily calorie count of approximately 2100 calories. This diet, combined with further calorie loss through exercise will be effective. (click on the image to download sample plan.)
Daily shopping leads to impulse buying. Always do a weekly shop. Now you have your meal plan you can make the shopping list and do said weekly shop.
Take a screenshot of your meal plan or create a PDF. Then answer all the questions below.



Assignment 1 Data – WEIGHT

The objective of this assignment is not only to establish your ideal weight and the diet to achieve it, but to record that knowledge publicly so people can encourage you. (However, if your weight is going through a very bad phase and you want to keep it confidential then you can simply e-mail me the following information.)

3 different methods of publishing your assignment:

  • Write a post on the student blog
  • Upload your diet plan to your profile as a file (PDF or Word)
  • Email me.

You need to copy the following questions and paste them either in the email, blog post, or word document (which you will post on your profile):

Starting Weight:
Ideal Weight:
Daily Calorie Allowance: *
Daily Calorie Burn Target: **

Which of the following healthy things are a part of your diet?

  1. Oily fish at least twice a week (or omega-3 supplement).
  2. Only 1 or 0 junk food experiences.
  3. Only 2 or fewer alcohol experiences.
  4. 2 portions of fruit per day (only 1 can be juice).
  5. 7 portions of vegetables in a week.
  6. Seeds at least three times a week.
  7. Drinking 2 liters of water a day.
  8. Practiced Extra Virgin Olive Oil fundamentalism (refusal to use any fat other than EV).
  9. Taken my high-quality multivitamins.
  10. Eaten lots of whole grains (e.g., brown rice, whole wheat bread).

Random Spot Check 1:
Upload a shopping receipt that shows the healthy, balanced diet you are executing. (You may blackout any identifying information.)

What (or who) do you anticipate as the biggest obstacles to maintaining this diet?


  • *Normally, you need 2,500 calories a day. If you want to lose 0.5 to 1 kg (1 to 2 lbs) a week, you must reduce to 2,000 calories a day. However, you’re going to burn 350 calories a day in exercise, so you can eat 2,350 calories a day. If you want to lose weight faster, then either increase the exercise or reduce the calories.
  • **This is how many calories you intend to burn per day through exercise (don’t get too obsessed with this now because exercise will be a whole other unit).


Click on this image to read Anna K’s article on calculating your ideal weight.

If you want to understand why I recommend taking a multi-vitamin – even when you have a good diet – read my article here.


Printable meal plan and shopping list from